Understanding the Timeline and Types of Joint Custody in Divorce Cases in New Bedford, MA

How Long Does Divorce Take in New Bedford, MA?

The duration of the divorce process in New Bedford, MA, varies based on specific factors such as uncontested vs. contested divorce, mandatory waiting periods, and the different steps involved. In an uncontested divorce, parties agree on all major issues, and the process takes three to six months, whereas a contested divorce that may involve multiple court hearings, mediation sessions, and a trial can extend the process to a year or more. Additionally, Massachusetts law requires a mandatory waiting period: 30 days to schedule a hearing for a "1A" uncontested divorce and 90 days nisi period for a finalized "1B" contested divorce.

Types of Joint Custody and Their Benefits and Challenges

Joint custody is beneficial to both parents by sharing decision-making and responsibilities where two main types exist in family law:

  • Joint Legal Custody: Both parents share the responsibility and decision-making authority regarding the child's upbringing, including education, healthcare, and religious training.

  • Joint Physical Custody: The child spends significant time living with both parents, ensuring that the child maintains a strong relationship with each parent.

The benefits of joint custody include emotional stability, shared responsibilities, and balanced parenting time. However, there are also challenges such as coordination, logistics, and conflict. Parents can create a joint custody agreement that outlines parenting schedules, decision-making guidelines, communication strategies, and transportation arrangements.

Legal Considerations

In New Bedford, MA, the court considers the child's best interests when determining custody arrangements. Joint custody is often favored, provided that both parents are willing and able to cooperate. Factors such as the child's relationship with each parent, the parents' ability to communicate and cooperate, and the child's overall well-being are considered.


Understanding the timeline and types of joint custody can be a significant part of the divorce process in New Bedford, MA. Through joint custody, both parents share responsibilities and decision-making regarding the child's upbringing, which has its benefits and challenges. Consulting a divorce lawyer specializing in family law in New Bedford, MA, can offer tailored legal guidance through the process.


Understanding the Cost of Divorce in New Bedford, MA