New Bedford Court Order Modifications

Legal Guidance for Court Order Changes in New Bedford & Surrounding Areas

A child support, child custody, and/or alimony order may be subject to modification due to a substantial, unforeseeable, and permanent change in circumstances validated by the court. At New Bedford Divorce Lawyer, we assist clients looking to review, renegotiate, and/or change an existing court order. Court orders that may be modifiable include:

  • Alimony

  • Child custody

  • Child support

  • Asset and property division

Modifying a court-order agreement is a complex undertaking that requires the legal counsel of a well-seasoned lawyer.

Contact a family law attorney from New Bedford Divorce Lawyer online or call our firm at 508-503-6426 to book a confidential appointment.

What Circumstances Would Grant a Modification?

Modification refers to the legal process of changing the terms of a court order related to family matters such as child custody, child support, spousal support (alimony), and visitation rights. These orders are originally established based on the circumstances at the time of the divorce or separation, but situations can change over time, necessitating a modification.

The circumstances that may warrant a modification to a child custody, child support, and/or alimony order include but are not limited to the following:

  • Decreased income

  • Job loss

  • Relocation

  • Serious illness

  • Increase in childcare costs

  • Increase in family obligations

  • Failure to perform parental duties

  • Increased income

In divorce cases where one spouse attempted to hide property and assets that were later uncovered, you could petition the court to revisit and potentially modify these matters.

Steps to Modify Parenting Plans & Visitation in New Bedford

  • Filing a Petition: The party seeking the modification must file a petition with the court. This petition details the changes in circumstances and requests a modification of the existing order.

  • Notification: The other party must be served with a notice of the petition for modification. This ensures that both parties have the opportunity to present their case.

  • Hearing: A court hearing is usually scheduled where both parties can present evidence and arguments. The judge will consider the best interests of the child (in custody and support cases) and the changed circumstances.

  • Court Decision: After reviewing the evidence, the judge will decide whether to grant the modification and issue a new court order reflecting the changes.

To modify visitation and/or a parenting plan, it is in your best interests to seek the guidance of a reputable lawyer. A lawyer at New Bedford Divorce Lawyers will be able to discuss your options with you, determine if the request for modification is valid, and help you navigate each step of the process.

After consulting with a lawyer, you will want to complete the necessary paperwork. Be prepared to answer questions, such as:

  • What is the substantial, material, and/or unanticipated change that led to this request for a modification?

  • What modification are you requesting and how would you like it to be altered?

  • How is this modification in the best interests of your child(ren) – if applicable?

The court will take the child’s best interests into consideration first and are hesitant to modify a child custody and/or child support order if doing so could adversely affect the child.

Consult with Our New Bedford Family Law Attorneys

At New Bedford Divorce Lawyer, we can assist you with your modification request whether that is a post-divorce modification, child custody arrangement, visitation order, or alimony order. We are strategic in our approach and strive to do our best to not only help you with a court modification but also determine if this is the best choice for you and your family.


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